Hydro Descaling

High pressure jetting, grease trap cleaning & CCTV survey

High pressure jetting, grease trap cleaning & CCTV survey


Our new Vacuum Tanker & two of our CCTV units working together to carry out High pressure jetting, grease trap cleaning and CCTV survey of a custody suite during a maintenance shutdown.

It’s important to have regular maintenance to ensure the integrity and functionality of the drainage and sewage systems.

As usual we provided our cctv report and footage within a couple of days providing valuable insights to assist in making decisions on necessary repairs / maintenance. Our embedded video link in our reports offer online viewing access at your fingertips.

Job done ✅

☎️ 01634 861768
✉️ mail@insewer.co.uk

Liam Sellar Ty Sellar Mia Dampier (Sellar)

vacuumtanker #tankers#drainmaintenance drainage sewers Kent WinCan highpressurejetting jetting greasetrap drainmaintenance