CCTV Report Update

CCTV Report Update

You shouldn’t have to contact a company that carried out a CCTV Survey for you and ask to them to re-issue or send over the video footage of the survey.

We removed this issue when we embedded video links into our reports offering online viewing access at your fingertips. The link lasts for 3 months but can be extended at the clients request.

The report and footage provides valuable insights to assist in making decisions on necessary repairs / maintenance.

We aim to maximise our clients experience with us and make it seamless as possible.

We also have new look CCTV reports which our existing customers have already been very complimentary about !

We will shortly be updating our website with a downloadable demo version of the new style CCTV report.

Watch this space !!

Liam Sellar Ty Sellar Mia Dampier (Sellar)

CCTVsurveys CCTVreport drainage sewers Kent investigationworks pipes construction


CCTV Report Sample Front Page
CCTV Report Sample Front Page